Chapter 14: Safety and Regulatory Compliance Information

WARNING: Avvertenza Per ridurre il rischio di incendio, usare solo un cavo per linea di telecomunicazioni di sezione 0,12 mm2 (26 AWG) o maggiore.

WARNING: Advarsel Bruk kun AWG nr. 26 eller telekommunikasjonsledninger med større dimensjon for å redusere faren for brann.

WARNING: Aviso Para reduzir o risco de incêndio, utilize apenas terminais de fio de telecomunicações Nº. 26 AWG ou superiores.

WARNING: ¡Atención! Para reducir el riesgo de incendios, usar sólo líneas de telecomunicaciones de calibre No. 26 AWG o más gruesas.

WARNING: Varning! För att minska brandrisken skall endast Nr. 26 AWG eller större telekommunikationsledning användas.

Installation Safety Guidelines and Warnings

Observe the following guidelines and warnings before and during Services Router installation:

Chassis Lifting Guidelines on page 263

Installation Instructions Warning on page 264

Rack-Mounting Requirements and Warnings on page 264

Ramp Warning on page 268

Chassis Lifting Guidelines

The weight of a fully populated chassis is approximately 15.9 lbs (7.2 kg) for a J2320 Services Router, 18.2 lbs (8.3 kg) for a J2350 Services Router, 25.3 lbs (11.5 kg) for a J4350 Services Router, and 30.7 lb (13.9 kg) for a J6350 Services Router. Observe the following guidelines for lifting and moving a Services Router:

Before moving the Services Router, read the guidelines in “Preparing for Router Installation” on page 101 to verify that the intended site meets the specified power, environmental, and clearance requirements.

Before lifting or moving the Services Router, disconnect all external cables.

As when lifting any heavy object, lift most of the weight with your legs rather than your back. Keep your knees bent and your back relatively straight and avoid twisting your body as you lift. Balance the load evenly and be sure that your footing is solid.

Safety Guidelines and Warnings 263

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Image 285
Juniper Networks J2320 manual Installation Safety Guidelines and Warnings, Chassis Lifting Guidelines