MWDAT register is transmitted on MDIDO,


whether or not the data is valid.



– Echo back disabled.



– Echo back enabled.


The Enable Interrupt on Overrun bit enables


or disables the overrun error interrupt. When


set, an interrupt is generated when the Re-


ceive Overrun Error bit (MWSTAT.OVR) is set.


Otherwise, no interrupt is generated when an


overrun error occurs. This bit must only be en-


abled in master mode.



– Disable overrun error interrupts.



– Enable overrun error interrupts.


The Enable Interrupt for Read bit controls


whether an interrupt is generated when the


read buffer becomes full. When set, an inter-


rupt is generated when the Read Buffer Full


bit (MWSTAT.RBF) is set. Otherwise, no inter-


rupt is generated when the read buffer is full.



– No read buffer full interrupt.



– Interrupt when read buffer becomes full.


The Enable Interrupt for Write bit controls


whether an interrupt is generated when the


Busy bit (MWSTAT.BSY) is cleared, which in-


dicates that a data transfer sequence has


been completed and the read buffer is ready


to receive the new data. Otherwise, no inter-


rupt is generated when the Busy bit is cleared.



– No interrupt on data transfer complete.



– Interrupt on data transfer complete.


The Shift Clock Mode bit selects between the


normal clocking mode and the alternate clock-


ing mode. In the normal mode, the output data


is clocked out on the falling edge of MSK and


the input data is sampled on the rising edge of


MSK. In the alternate mode, the output data is


clocked out on the rising edge of MSK and the


input data is sampled on the falling edge of





– Normal clocking mode.



– Alternate clocking mode.


The Shift Clock Idle bit controls the value of


the MSK output when the Microwire module is


idle. This bit must be changed only when the


Microwire module is disabled (MEN = 0) or


when no bus transaction is in progress (MW-


STAT.BSY = 0).



– MSK is low when idle.



– MSK is high when idle


The Shift Clock Divider Value field specifies


the divisor used for generating the MSK shift


clock from the System Clock. The divisor is 2


× (SCDV[6:0] + 1). Valid values are 0000001b

to 1111111b, so the division ratio may range from 3 to 256. This field is ignored in slave mode (MWCTL1.MNS=0).

23.5.3Microwire Status Register (MWSTAT)

The MWSTAT register is a word-wide, read-only register that shows the current status of the Microwire interface module. At reset, all non-reserved bits are clear. The regis- ter format is shown below.



















The Busy bit, when set, indicates that the Mi-


crowire shifter is busy. In master mode, the


BSY bit is set when the MWDAT register is


written. In slave mode, the bit is set on the first


leading edge of MSK when


is assert-


ed or when the MWDAT register is written,


whichever occurs first. In both master and


slave modes, this bit is cleared when the Mi-


crowire data transfer sequence is completed


and the read buffer is ready to receive the new


data; in other words, when the previous data


held in the read buffer has already been read.


If the previous data in the read buffer has not


been read and new data has been received


into the shift register, the BSY bit will not be


cleared, as the transfer could not be complet-


ed because the contents of the shift register


could not be transferred into the read buffer.


0 – Microwire shifter is not busy.



1 – Microwire shifter is busy.





The Read Buffer Full bit, when set, indicates


that the Microwire read buffer is full and ready


to be read by software. It is set when the


shifter loads the read buffer, which occurs


upon completion of a transfer sequence if the


read buffer is empty. The RBF bit is updated


when the MWDAT register is read. At that


time, the RBF bit is cleared if the shifter does


not contain any new data (in other words, the


shifter is not receiving data or has not yet re-


ceived a full byte of data). The RBF bit re-


mains set if the shifter already holds new data


at the time that MWDAT is read. In that case,


MWDAT is immediately reloaded with the new


data and is ready to be read by software.


0 – Microwire read buffer is not full.



1 – Microwire read buffer is full.



The Receive Overrun Error bit, when set in


master mode, indicates that a receive overrun


error has occurred. This error occurs when


the read buffer is full, the 8-bit shifter is full,

and a new data transfer sequence starts. This bit is undefined in slave mode. The OVR bit, once set, remains set until cleared by soft- ware. Software clears this bit by writing a 1 to its bit position. Writing a 0 to this bit position has no effect. No other bits in the MWSTAT register are affected by a write operation to the register.

0 – No receive overrun error has occurred.

1 – Receive overrun error has occurred.



Page 180
Image 180
National CP3BT26 manual Scm, Scdv, Microwire Status Register Mwstat, Ovr Rbf Bsy