Using the BayStack
This guide uses the following acronyms:
AUI | attachment unit interface |
BootP | Bootstrap Protocol |
BPDU | Bridge Protocol Data Unit |
CI | console interface |
CRC | cyclic redundancy check |
CSMA/CD | carrier sense multiple access/collision detection |
CTS | clear to send |
DCE | data communications equipment |
DSR | data set ready |
DTE | data terminal equipment |
ECM | Entity Coordination Management |
FID | filtering database identifier |
IGMP | Internet Gateway Management Protocol |
IP | Internet Protocol |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
LED | |
MAC | media access control |
MAU | media access unit |
MDA | media dependent adapter |
MDI | medium dependent interface |
medium dependent | |
MIB | Management Information Base |
MLT | MultiLink Trunk |
NIC | network interface controller |
NMS | network management station |
xxvi |