128 Chapter 2 CLI Command Summary
system IP address:
system IP netmask:
system default gateway:
checksum: 56091
This example shows the flash settings for a Contivity VPN Switch1510D. The output differs depending on the type of switch being using.
show health
This command displays information about the overall health of the switch. It allows the administrator to check on areas that may cause problems in the future, as well as see where problems have been detected already.
show health [alertswarningsdisabledall]
alerts | Causes conditions to be shown that require immediate |
| administrator attention. |
warnings | Causes conditions to be shown that need to be fixed to avoid an |
| alert condition. It also shows alert conditions. |
disabled | Causes conditions to be shown that need to be fixed to avoid an |
| alert condition. It also shows warning and alert conditions. |
all | Causes all conditions to be shown, including those that are |
| operating correctly. |