Chapter 2 CLI Command Summary 153
49825 total packets
49807 input packets
18 output packets
0 incomplete header
0 bad data length field
0 bad checksum
22277 broadcasts received with no ports
0 full socket
59 pcb cache lookups failed
27 pcb hash lookups failed
16085 packets sent
15226 data packets (2336894 bytes)
0 data packet (0 byte) retransmitted
0 URG only packet
0 window probe packet
3 window update packets
78 control packets
15898 packets received
11943 acks (for 2334342 bytes)
124 duplicate acks
0 ack for unsent data
14578 packets (1713926 bytes) received in sequence
0 completely duplicate packet (0 byte)
0 packet with some dup. data (0 byte duped)
0 packet (0 byte) of data after window
0 window probe
8 window update packets
0 packet received after close
0 discarded for bad checksum
0 discarded for bad header offset field
0 discarded because packet too short
4 connection requests
138 connection accepts
142 connections established (including accepts)
140 connections closed (including 14 drops)
0 embryonic connection dropped
11825 segments updated rtt (of 11835 attempts)
0 retransmit timeout
0 connection dropped by rexmit timeout
0 persist timeout
0 keepalive timeout
0 keepalive probe sent
0 connection dropped by keepalive
0 pcb cache lookup failed
Reference for the Contivity VPN Switch Command Line Interface