Chapter 2 CLI Command Summary 105
CES#reload in 8:00 restart
Reload Scheduled Shutdown in 480 minutes
Reload Explanation: Scheduled Shutdown in 480 minutes
After Shutdown: Powerdown
Disable New Logins: Yes
Disable Logins after Restart: No
Boot Mode: Normal
Config File: latest
Boot Drive: /ide1/
Proceed with reload? [confirm]y
This example command powers down the switch in eight hours time. When the switch is powered up again it will reboot from ide1. Further logins are disabled until the switch has rebooted.
After a successful reload in command, the switch will reboot after the time specified has elapsed. For most Telnet client software, the reboot will cause the Telnet client to close the connection to the switch.
If there are any outstanding reboot commands, they will be canceled. There can be only be one reboot scheduled at any time.
Reference for the Contivity VPN Switch Command Line Interface