98 Chapter 2 CLI Command Summary
CES#reload at 22:00 restart
Reload Scheduled Shutdown at 22:00:00
Reload Explanation: Backup LDAP database
After Shutdown: Restart
Disable New Logins: No
Disable Logins after Restart: Yes
Boot Mode: Normal
Config File: latest
Boot Drive: /ide0/
Proceed with reload? [confirm]y
This reboots the switch from ide0, using the latest configuration and disabling logins after the reboot to allow for system maintenance. Reason is to "Backup LDAP database."
After a successful reload at command, the switch will reboot at the time specified based on internal clock settings. For most Telnet client software, the reboot will cause the Telnet client to close the connection to the switch.
If there are any outstanding reboot commands, they will be canceled. There can be only be one reboot scheduled at any time.