220 Chapter 3 Bulk Load Command
Group name syntax
For many of the User and Branch Office commands, you must specify the name of the group that you are manipulating. The syntax of the group name is very important. Group names are specified in Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) format, leaving out the '/Base' specifier.
For example:
/Base/Engineering' is specified as:
Group: ou=Engineering
/Base/Engineering/Software' is specified as:
Group: ou=Software, ou=Engineering
/Base/Field/Boston/Sales' is specified as:
Group: ou=Sales, ou=Boston, ou=Field
Certificate Distinguished Name order
The Distinguished Name for certificates must be entered in the same order as they appear in the certificate. For Example:
cn=Joe, ou=My Org Unit, o=Some Org, c=US
is not the same as:
cn=Joe, o=Some Org, ou=My Org Unit, c=US