Chapter 3 Bulk Load Command 205
PFS: [Perfect forward security {Enable/Disable}]
COMPRESSION: [Compression {Enable/Disable}]
REKEY_TO: [Rekey timeout (hh:mm:ss format)]
REKEY_DATACNT: [Rekey datacount (in KB)]
// RIP Attributes
RIP_TRANSMIT: [Rip Transmit {OFF,V1,V2}]
RIP_RECEIVE: [Rip Receive {OFF,V1,V2}]
IMPORT_DEF_ROUTE: [Import Default Route {Enable/Disable}]
EXPORT_DEF_ROUTE: [Export default routes metric {Enable/Disable}]
EXPORT_STATIC_ROUTE: [Export static routes metric {Enable/Disable}]
EXPORT_BO_STATIC_ROUTE: [Export branch office static routes metric (Enable/Disable}]
EXPORT_OSPF_ROUTE: [Export OSPF e static routes metric (Disable,
POISON_REV: [Poison Reverse {Enable/Disable}]
RIP_AUTH: [Rip Authentication {None/Simple/MD5}]
Note: The following value does not accept the "INHERITED"keyword. The RIP_AUTH value will controlthe inheritance of this value.
RIP_PASS: [RIP authentication password]
// OSPF Attributes
OSPF_PRI: [OSPF Priority]
OSPF_DEAD_INT: [OSPF dead interval]
OSPF_HELLO_INT: [OSPF hello interval]
Reference for the Contivity VPN Switch Command Line Interface