Chapter 2 CLI Command Summary 49
console mode
Note: You must have a control tunnel established before you can set this command.
This is a
This command controls which menu items are visible on the serial port console for the switch, and what CLI commands can be used.
When this command is used to set the switch in one of the two restricted modes, the only CLI commands that are available are:
disable enable exit reload reload at reload in
Because none of the Global Configuration mode commands are allowed, setting the switch into a restricted mode causes the CLI to return to Privileged Exec mode on the Telnet session where the command is issued. Other Telnet sessions will not be forced back to Privileged Exec mode, but they will only support the above CLI command set.
The switch can be set back to an unrestricted mode on the
console mode {restricted1restricted2show}
Reference for the Contivity VPN Switch Command Line Interface