[Standard—Nortel Networks Confidential]
2Select the video configuration that most closely meets your needs. The following table lists the video configuration settings.
Table 2 Video configuration settings
Video setting | Description |
Home | enables video telephony over ISDN/DSL/Cable modem. This |
| configuration uses a small video window and produces a video |
| bitrate around 60Kbps to 120Kbps. |
Office | enables video telephony in an office using a 10/100Mbps LAN. |
| This configuration uses a |
| produces a video bitrate around 150Kbps to 300Kbps. |
Conference room | enables video telephony in an office using a 10/100Mbps LAN. |
| This configuration uses a large video window and produces a |
| video bitrate around 400 to 800Kbps. This video is suitable for |
| overhead projection. |
Custom setting | fine tunes video performance (see below). |
Note: The Video bitrates listed for Home and Office and Conference room video configuration settings are approximate and may vary in actual use.
The two clients involved in a video call will negotiate between themselves and select a configuration which is acceptable to both. As such, the size of the video images used by a client may vary from call to call, depending on the configuration of the other client.
The first time you configure the video, the video camera is examined and verified for compatibility with the SIP Multimedia PC Client. If the camera is compatible, you will see a small window displaying video from the camera.
SIP Multimedia PC Client User Guide