1005r CallPilot server 33 Front panel 33 Back panel 35
CallPilot server preinstallation | 37 | |
Recommended tools | 37 |
CallPilot server preinstallation tasks 38 |
| |
Choosing a location | 38 |
Preparing the site 38 |
| |
Connecting to the network 39 |
| |
Unpacking the server | 39 |
CallPilot server installation | 41 | |
CallPilot server installation tasks 41 |
| |
41 |
| |
Installing peripheral devices | 42 |
Installing cables and grounds 43 |
| |
Performing preboot checks | 45 |
Connecting the server to power and starting it | 45 |
CallPilot server configuration | 47 | |
CallPilot server configuration tasks | 47 |
Logging on to the CallPilot server | 47 |
Completing the Setup Wizard and installing PEPs | 47 | |
Running the Configuration Wizard | 49 |
Configuring new mailboxes and additional tasks | 52 | |
Backing up the system 53 |
CallPilot server testing | 55 |
CallPilot server testing tasks 55 |
Checking CallPilot connectivity and channels 55 | |
Verifying that you can log on to mailboxes 56 | |
Verifying that you can leave a message | 57 |
Verifying that you can retrieve a message | 57 |
Verifying that each CallPilot channel is functioning correctly 57 | |
Testing pcAnywhere using a remote PC | 58 |
What is next? 59 |
Installing the CallPilot 5.0 image | 61 |
Configuring phantom DNs | 63 |
Nortel CallPilot
Quickstart Guide
5.019 May 2008
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