Unpacking the server 39
4Install the rack, or ensure that a
5Ensure that an external analog phone line is available for the USB modem.
6Ensure that a
Connecting to the network
The CallPilot server has two network connections: the ELAN network interface for the ELAN subnet and the CLAN network interface for the Nortel server subnet.
The ELAN subnet connects the CallPilot server to the CS 1000 or M1 switch. Install the ELAN subnet on the same network as the CS 1000 or M1 switch you are using for the CallPilot system, as a dedicated Ethernet switch or hub segregated from any other network.
The Nortel server subnet is used for the following features: Desktop Messaging, CallPilot Reporter, My CallPilot, CallPilot Manager remote access, and Application Builder.
Both the ELAN subnet and the Nortel server subnet use standard network Ethernet Cat 5e cables. If cables are made on site, ensure that IEEE 802.3 standards are maintained and followed.
Unpacking the server
Perform the following procedure to unpack the CallPilot server.
As you unpack each item, check it off against the packing list.
Step Action
1Place the cardboard carton containing the CallPilot server on the floor, close to the secure surface or table.
2Open the box, carefully remove the server, and place it on the ESD mat on the table or secure surface.
Check that the USB dongle with keycode and feature list is included, and for the 600r model, ensure that a SCSI terminator is included.
3Open the other boxes containing the peripheral devices and check that the following devices are included:
Nortel CallPilot
Quickstart Guide
5.019 May 2008
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