Checking the status of the ELAN connection to the PBX (LD 48) 15
Checking the ELAN interface status of the PBX (LD 137)
Perform the following procedure to check the ELAN interface status.
Step Action
1Connect to the PBX.
2Enter LD 137.
3Enter STAT ELNK. The status of the ELAN interface appears.
Note: If the ELAN interface is not configured, continue to "Enabling the ELAN interface of the PBX (LD 137)" (page 15). If it is configured, continue to "Checking the status of the ELAN connection to the PBX (LD 48)" (page 15).
4To exit the overlay, enter ****.
Enabling the ELAN interface of the PBX (LD 137)
Perform the following procedure to enable the ELAN interface. If it is already enabled, skip to the next procedure.
Step Action
1Connect to the PBX.
2Enter LD 137.
3Enter CHG ELNK ACTIVE NAME, where NAME is the host name for the primary IP address.
4To exit the overlay, enter ****.
Checking the status of the ELAN connection to the PBX (LD 48)
Perform the following procedure to check the status of the ELAN connection to the PBX.
Nortel CallPilot
Quickstart Guide
5.019 May 2008
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