Chapter 6 Using Multicast Manager 155
Figure 74 Route tab (MRoute)
Table 52 describes the fields in the Route tab.
Table 52 Route tab (MRoute) fields
Field | Description |
GroupAddress | IP multicast group address for which this entry contains |
| multicast routing information. |
SourceAddress | Network address that, when combined with the |
| corresponding route SourceMask value, identifies the |
| sources for which this entry contains multicast routing |
| information. |
SourceMask | Network mask that, when combined with the corresponding |
| route Source value, identifies the sources for which this |
| entry contains multicast routing information. |
UpstreamNeighbor | Address of the upstream neighbor (in other words, the RPF |
| neighbor) from which IP datagrams from these sources to |
| this multicast address are received or if the network |
| is local. |
Using Optivity Switch Manager, Release