toolbar buttons 36
TopChanges field 74
topology map, magnifying 41
TriggeredUpdateInterval field 148
Trim HostName Domains item 50
troubleshooting 94, 181
Trunk table 107
trunk, definition 106
Type field
in the New VLAN dialog box 85 in the Next Hop tab 154
in the Receiver tab 135
Type item
in the Device Properties dialog box 35 in the Insert MLT dialog box 112, 115
unassigned VLAN |
about 64 |
port membership type | 64 |
viewing information | 64 |
UpdateInterval field 147 |
| |
UpstreamNeighbor field |
in the Route tab DVMRP table | 152 | |
in the Route tab MRoute table | 155 | |
UpTime item 35 |
| ||
UserDefinedPId text box | 89 |
Version field 143
Version1HostTimer(sec) field 142
VersionString field 148
virtual LAN. See VLAN
and IGMP Snooping 122 configurations, viewing 57
default 75 definition 55 deleting 92
determining frame’s membership 83 enabling tagging and STGs 83
ID 64
information, viewing 77
maximum number of VLANs by product 56 member of STG 77
members in Optivity Switch Manager, viewing 93
membership 57
network protocol 62 source IP subnet 62 source MAC address 62
viewing information 77
VLAN Manager contents pane 61 definition 55 features 25, 57
highlighting STGs and VLANs in Optivity Switch Manager 93
icons 77 navigation pane 60 starting 57
status bar icon field 62 status bar message field 62 VLAN icons 64
VLAN table 77 window 57
VLAN table 77
VLAN type
isolated routing port 64
Using Optivity Switch Manager, Release