Index 189
Preferences dialog box 48
Priority field 72
Priority item 80
product support 21
Protocol field 156
PIDs 89
ProtocolId box 89
ProtocolSpecification field 74
publications related 18, 179
QosLevel item
in the Default Ports table 76
in the New VLAN dialog box 85
Querier field
in the Interface tab 143 in the Receivers tab 160
QuerierPort item 133
QueryInterval(sec) field 143
QueryInterval(sec) item 133
QueryMaxResponseTime field 143
ReachableRoutes field 148
read access 54
Read operations 54
Receiver tab 133
Receivers tab 159
ReportProxyEnable item 132
Restrict Discovery field 49
Robustness field 143
Robustness item 133
Root table 75
RootCost field 75
RootPort field 75
Route tab 151, 154
scale slider about 30 magnification 30
Solaris implementation 41 using 41
scroll bars 30
seed address about 28
using multiple IP addresses 48
Seed Address(es) item 49
seed device 28, 47
Sender tab 135
shortcut menu 34
Show Device
HostName 50
IP Address 50
SysName 50
Show Device by, setting 50
level of access 54
read and write operations 53
SNMP Max Outstanding Requests item 51
SNMP passwords, default 53
SNMP Retry Count item 51
SNMP Timeout item 51
SNMP Trace item 51
Source field
in the Next Hop tab 154 in the Route tab 152
Source IP
source MAC
Using Optivity Switch Manager, Release