Chapter 7 Using Log Manager 175
Figure 87 sysLog - Find dialog box
2In the Find field, type the type the string you want to search for, for example, Fatal.
3In the From field, check Selection (finds the first occurrence of your selection from your current position in the table) or Start (selects the first occurrence of your selection in the table).
4Choose one or more of the following:
•Ignore Case, to ignore upper and lower case in the Find field
•Exact Match, to (match the string exactly as you typed it in the Find field
•By Row, to search by row or column. If By Row is deselected, the search is automatically by column.
5Click Next.
The fields containing matching strings are displayed in the SysLog dialog box.
6To proceed to the next field, in the syslog - Find dialog box, click Next. The next field is located and displayed in the SysLog dialog box.
7To return to the previous field, in the syslog - Find dialog box, click Previous.
The previous field with a matching string is located and displayed in the SysLog dialog box.
8To close the sysLog - Find dialog box, click Cancel.
Using Optivity Switch Manager, Release