Chapter 2 Using Optivity Switch Manager 41
Adjusting the contents pane
You can resize the Optivity Switch Manager window or submanager windows by dragging the edges of the active window. You can also use the scroll bars to adjust the Optivity Switch Manager contents pane to view a specific portion of the discovered network topology.
Using the scale slider
To adjust the scale of the topology map:
Move the scale slider (Figure 6) to the right to magnify the map or to the left to make it smaller.
Figure 6 Scale slider
You can display the map up to sixteen times larger.
Note: Use Edit > Find Device in Map to easily locate the device before you resize the specific region of the map.
Note: When you use Optivity Switch Manager in a Solaris environment, you can click the number in the scale slider or drag the slider.
Working with the network topology map
After a network topology map is loaded into the Optivity Switch Manager contents pane, you can save it and reload it.
Using Optivity Switch Manager, Release