42Chapter 2 Using Optivity Switch Manager
Loading a saved network topology map
You can reload a saved topology map. If you do not have a specific topology map saved, the application loads the previously saved topology map. This map is stored in the default.topo file.
Note: Optivity Switch Manager Release cannot open topology maps saved in earlier releases.
To open a new topology map, you must use the discovery process described in “Discovering devices on a network” on page 48.
To reload a saved topology map:
1Do one of the following:
•From the Optivity Switch Manager menu bar, choose File > Open.
•On the keyboard, press [Ctrl]+O.
•On the Optivity Switch Manager toolbar, click Open.
The Open File dialog box opens (Figure 7).
Figure 7 Open File dialog box
2Select the filename (with a .topo extension) that contains your saved network topology.