Chapter 3
Configuring Optivity Switch Manager
This chapter describes configuration tools for Optivity Switch Manager, and includes the following topics:
•Discovering your network (next)
•Accessing devices within different SNMP communities (page 53)
Discovering your network
Optivity Switch Manager builds its logical map of the network by querying the topology table of the seed device, using the Bay Autotopology Protocol (BTP). A seed device is a device from which you start learning about the topology of the network. After getting the information about the neighbors of the seed device, Optivity Switch Manager queries the neighbor devices for their topology tables. Optivity Switch Manager then selects the appropriate icon to represent each device, computes the links between devices, and represents the device information in a network topology map.
Discovery continues until the maximum number of hops is reached. By default, Optivity Switch Manager does not query neighbors more than five hops away from the seed device. You can set the number of hops, up to a maximum of 20 hops. Also, you can stop the discovery process at any time by clicking Discovery from the Optivity Switch Manager toolbar. While the discovery process is occurring, this button changes to show a red X.
Using Optivity Switch Manager, Release