Next Hop tab 153
No trunk configurations, viewing 108
No Trunk table 108
Node item, in the Insert MLT dialog box 112, 115
NotAllowedToJoin field 138
NumPorts field 74
NumRoutes field 148
On All Devices item
in the New VLAN dialog box 85 in the STG dialog box 81
OperState field 149
Optivity Switch Manager contents pane 30
discovering network topology map features 24
introduction 23 menu bar 30 MLT links 118
Multicast Manager information, viewing 160 number of devices supported 23
size of network discovered 30 submanagers 24
window 29 OutInterface field 154
Packet over Sonet. See POS. 31
Passport 1000 Series routing switch creating
DVMRP support 145 IGMP Snoop support 130
Passport 8100 module
Passport 8600 module
DVMRP support 145 IGMP Snoop support 130
password 28
PIDs format 89 invalid 90
Port dialog box 115
Port item 66
port numbers depressed 116 dimmed 114, 116 highlighted 114
PortMembers dialog box 71, 116
PortMembers field
in the Isolated Device table 110 in the No Trunk table 109
in the Trunk table 107
PortMembers item
in the Default Ports table 76 in the Members table 70
Ports item |
Device Properties dialog box | 35 |
in the Bridge Routing Ports table | 68 | |
in the Insert MLT dialog box | 112, 115 | |
in the Isolated Routing Ports table | 67 | |
in the Unassigned Ports table | 65 |
PortType field
in the Isolated Device table 110 in the No Trunk table 109
in the Trunk table 107
POS 31