Run Menu
The Run menu is provided to duplicate the transport controls included on the Run toolbar. It is anticipated that the controls will normally be used from the toolbar, as this is usually much quicker to use. However the menu is provided such that automated keyboard macros may be used, as menu items can always be selected by combinations of key presses.
Items available on the Run menu are ‘Play’, ‘Stop’, ‘Jog’ etc, and are all described in the section on the Run toolbar, on page 27, along with the ‘Time Shift’ feature that is included only as part of the ‘Advanced Option Package’.
Configuration Menu
This menu contains four sections.
System Configuration
This section lets you load and save entire system configuration settings. These control 100% of the machines settings, such that you can copy the system configuration settings from one machine to another, and have it set up identically, with the same windows open, in the same positions etc. The current settings are always saved when the application is closed, and by default will be loaded again when the application restarts. The system configuration is saved in a .ods file.
Engineering Configuration
The Engineering settings comprise the settings made in the Engineering dialogue box, for which full details can be found on page 17.
When Engineering settings are saved and loaded, the layout of the windows and toolbars is unaffected. Engineering settings are stored in a .ode file.
SNMP Configuration
The SNMP settings control the SNMP configuration, which are only required as part of the logging package. Consequently details of SNMP configuration, as well as full details on the logging functionality, are included in the appendix starting on page 70.
Look and Feel Configuration
Look and Feel presets are used to let you copy the user setup from one system to another. The configuration lets you specify that certain display items sue a specific colour, and these settings can then be saved and loaded as presets.
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