Global Management System User’s Guide
System Information Window - ViewStation
Network Stats Tab
This window is only active during a call. The Network Statistics screen describes the video and
audio protocols used and the rates at which a call travels over the network and to the party you
are calling. If the ViewStation is not in a call, the statistics will appear as dashes.
Field Description
B1 B2
Tx Clock Rate Transmission rate Transmission rate
Rx Clock Rate Receiving clock rate Receiving clock rate
Errors The number of CRC errors that
have occurred during the current
The number of CRC errors that
have occurred during the current
Sync The number of synchronization
errors that have occurred during
the current call
The number of synchronization
errors that have occurred during
the current call
Video Protocol The current video protocol in use
(H.261, H.263, etc.)
The current video protocol in use
(H.261, H.263, etc.)
Video format The format of the video data
(QCIF, FCIF, etc.)
The format of the video data
(QCIF, FCIF, etc.)
Audio Protocol The current audio protocol in use
(G.711, G.722, G.728, etc.)
The current audio protocol in use
(G.711, G.722, G.728, etc.)
Comm Protocol The communications protocol in
use (H.221, H.223, etc.)
The communications protocol in
use (H.221, H.223, etc.)