Chapter 5 SCO Setup


This installation procedure assumes that the NIC adapter is configured with the correct IP address, subnet mask, and gateway (if required). In addition you can also ping and telnet to the NIC adapter.

To verify the NIC settings, print an E-net Test Page by doing the following:

(P5000, T5000e/SL5000e) DIAGNOSTICS￿Printer Tests￿E-Net Test Page￿Enter.

(P7000, T5000r/SL5000r) DIAGNOSTICS ￿Printer Tests ￿ Ethernet Test ￿Enter.(L55xx, L1524) DIAGNOSTICS￿Test Pattern￿E-Net Test Page￿Enter.

The default NIC queue name is d1prn (in lower case), however the name can be changed. To verify the queue name, print an E-Net Test Page or telnet to the adapter and do a “list dest” command.

AIX Remote Queue Time–Out Setting

Symptoms: Print jobs restart or queue goes down.

If the queue is set up for standard processing (not local filtering), add -T50 flag to rembak to the queue device stanza for the queue in /etc/qconfig

backend = /usr/lib/lpd/rembak -T50

If the queue was set up for local filtering edit the file /usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/piorlfb and change the line;

typeset piorlfb_rbflags=’’’’


typeset priorlfb_rbflags=”-T50”