Credentials Information

Ticket Lifetime – The maximum time allowed before the Print Server is required to get a new ticket.

Default: 43200 seconds

Credentials Information

This section displays the Print Server’s principal and its Kerberos ticket credentials after the Print Server has authenticated with the Access Point.


The Status menu items allow you to view the current status of both the printer and the network. The submenu items available are as follows:

I/O Port - this menu item allows you to view the current status of the printer, including the print jobs that are queued or are currently active.

Network - this menu item allows you to view the current status of the network connection.

Status - I/O Port

The I/O Port Status form allows you to remotely see what is happening on the NIC I/O port. The port's status and a list of active and queued jobs will be displayed. You can cancel a job (as long as you have permission) by clicking the Cancel icon beside the desired job. If you see "waiting" in the "Status" line, this indicates the network adapter is either waiting for data from the host or for feedback from the printer. If you see "blocked" in this line, this indicates the printer is not allowing the NIC to send any more data. The printer could be busy processing data it has already received or it could be in an error state.

The printer status display is automatically refreshed every minute.