Chapter 15 Complete Command List

ADAPTER, list mosinfo

WLAN List the MOS version.

ADAPTER list net

List all current TCP/IP network settings (e.g., IP address and subnet mask).

list pping

List all the current periodic ping setting.

list pserver

List the current general print server settings (e.g., print server name and Novell mode). Novell parameters are listed on ADAPTER and WIRELESS NICs only.

list prn

List the current parallel port setting (e.g., mode).

ADAPTER, list rprinter

WLAN List any current RPRINTER definitions.

ADAPTER list snmp

List the Trap Table containing SNMP Managers.

list sysinfo

List the current NIC system information (e.g., contact name and protocol stacks enabled).

list tcpip

List all current TCP/IP network settings (e.g., IP address and subnet mask).

list test

List the status of output tests on the I/O ports.

list tn

List all current tn protocol settings.

list uptime

Lists how long the NIC has been up and running from the last reset.

list user

List the current user definitions (e.g., user names and types).