Reset The NIC PasswordReset The NIC Password

Occassionally a user will set a root user password on the NIC adapter and then forget it. This is the procedure to reset the root password back to the default (no password).

IMPORTANT First determine the number of dip switches on the back of the adapter, and the NIC version from the printer configuration printout.

Do the appropriate procedure for the type of NIC contained in the printer.

2 dip switches, Wireless NIC

Procedure A, page 345



2 dip switches, Ethernet version greater than

Procedure A, page 345



2 dip switches, Ethernet version less than

Procedure B, page 346



3 dip switches, any ethernet version

Procedure B, page 346



No dip switches, embedded NIC. Any version.

Procedure C, page 347




Procedure A

1.Turn the printer off.

2.Flip dip switch 1 down on the NIC adapter.

3.Turn the printer on, and wait about 1 minute for the adapter to boot.

4.Flip dip switch 1 up.

5.Turn printer off, wait 15 seconds, then turn it back on.

6.Re-program the IP address information from the front panel.

NOTE: Steps 1 – 5 also clears the IP address information and SSID and sets the adapter back to the factory default.

7.Type the following at the telnet prompt: set user passwd root

save reset