Chapter 10 Configuring The AS/400 For Printing

3.Enter values for the following parameters:

Output Queue (OUTQ)

The name of the AS/400 output queue. The name can be anything you would like. This name is not the same as the printer internal queue name, ‘d1prn’.

Remote System (RMTSYS)

Internet address of the NIC on the printer (*INTNETADR prompts you for this) or the hostname of the NIC.

Remote Printer Queue (RMTPRTQ)

Default name of the network printer. Set for any of ‘d1prn’ through ‘d8prn’. The remote printer queue name must be lowercase, entered in single quotes.

NOTE:When the IPDS feature is installed, queue name ‘d4prn’ is not available.

Writer to Autostart (AUTOSRTWTR)

Set the value to 1. This will start the Remote Writer when the queue is created, and it automatically starts the Remote Writer after each IPL of the AS/400 and whenever STRTCP is started.

Connection Type (CNNTYPE) Specify this value as *IP.

Destination Type (DESTTYP)

Specify *OTHER. *OTHER is a performance enhancement, in which data is not required to be transformed again if the connection is interrupted and allows printing of multiple copies.

Transform (TRANSFORM) Specify this value as *YES.