Chapter 7 Novell Host Configuration (10/100Base-T)

7.Repeat steps 4 through 6 for each additional printer you would like to have serviced.

8.Click SUBMIT when done and physically repower the printer to make the new settings take effect.

Manual (Telnet) Method

1.Load a PSERVER on your Netware 3.x, Netware 4.x, or Netware 5.x file server (i.e., issue a load pserver pservername command on the file server).

NOTE: If it is an NDS PSERVER on a Netware 4.x/5.x file server, you must specify the pserver name and context for pservername. For example:

load pserver .sales_ps.sales.printronix

2.Telnet to the print server: telnet ipaddress

NOTE: If prompted for a User ID and password, type in root for the ID and press ENTER at the password prompt (since there is no password by default).

3.You should see a prompt with the NIC’s IP address: ipaddress:root>

4.At the prompt, store the RPRINTER settings on the NIC. The pservername refers to the existing PSERVER.NLM on the file server created in step 1.


store rprinter add pservername printernumber NICdestination

An example of an RPRINTER servicing printer 0 of the PSERVER.NLM called pserver1 and sending jobs to the NIC destination d1prn is:

store rprinter add pserver1 0 d1prn

NOTE: If it is an NDS pserver, enter only the PSERVER name and not the context (e.g., sales_ps).

5.Physically repower the printer to make the new settings take effect.