Chapter 3 Print Model Configuration

The most common sequences are listed on the form:

PCL Reset - tells the printer to reset itself once the data completes

End of Transmission (EOT) - tells the printer to force the end of the job

Formfeed - tells the printer to do a formfeed at the end of the data.

Printer Configuration

Specify a printer configuration number to be loaded before processing the print job. This ability to associate a printer configurations to a logical printer model allows you to define up to eight unique and independent printer personalities in a single printer. Using this feature, you effectively have eight different printers in one.

To associate a printer configuration to the currently selected destination queue, just select the desired printer configuration number from the drop down list. Once a printer configuration has been associated with a destination queue, any print job sent to that destination queue name will cause the printer to load the associated printer configuration before processing the print job.