Chapter 16 Printer Monitoring And Logging
Printer Logging Through Logpaths

In the NIC product manual, destinations are described as logical queues with associated models and logpaths. Models determine if any extra processing is needed with the print jobs passing through, and logpaths determine whether any logging is needed for each job.

Each logpath on the NIC consists of two parts:


The type of log information to be captured.


The choices are job for job ID and username,


user for user ID (and three messages per


job), cksum for file checksums, printer for


special printer feedback, and ioport for


parallel printer status messages.


Where this log information will be sent to. The


choices are a TCP port number (e.g., 2000),


an email address (including an alias), or a


central host running a SYSLOG daemon.

To view the current logpath settings on the print server:

1.Load a Web browser on a network station that can communicate with the print server over TCP/IP or using Telnet (e.g. Telnet ipaddress). The command to view the logpath settings is:
