Chapter 7 Novell Host Configuration (10/100Base-T)

Manual (Telnet) Method

1.Telnet to the print server: telnet ipaddress

NOTE: If prompted for a User ID and password, type in root for the ID and press ENTER at the password prompt (since there is no password by default).

2.You should see a prompt with the NIC IP address: ipaddress:root>

3.At the prompt, enter:

store pserver novell tree tree

4.Reset the unit to make the changes take effect. reset

Novell Host Configuration (10/100Base-T)


This section covers PSERVER and RPRINTER/NPRINTER setups


on the NIC. The NIC can handle up to eight RPRINTER/




Although the entire print setup is done through Netware


Administrator or PCONSOLE, you may need to communicate


directly with the print server in order to modify settings, monitor the


unit, etc.


For Netware 4.x and Netware 5.x environments, you can obtain a


NWAdmn3x snap-in program called MPAdmin. This snap-in can be


used to configure PSERVER setups as well as additional settings


on the NIC.

NOTE: NWAdmn3x is only included with Netware 4.11 and higher releases. If you are using Netware 4.10, you can either upgrade to Netware 4.11 or go to Novell’s Web site and get the patches to upgrade the Nwadmin program for Netware

4.10to Nwadmn3x for Netware 4.11. Alternatively, you can perform the setup without using MPAdmin.