Bindery PSERVER Setup (Netware 3.x, Netware 4.x, And Netware 5.x)

19.Type the name for the print server in the Print Server name field. By default, the name is “M_xxxxxx” where “xxxxxx” equals the last six digits of the print server’s Ethernet address (e.g., “M_091C1A”).

NOTE: The name you use here must match the name stored on the NIC. This name can be found by using the list pserver command. See “List Commands” on page 335 for more information.

20.Select Define additional properties and click Create.

21.Click Assignments in the dialog that opens and then click Add....

22.Select the printer you created earlier.

23.Click OK to assign this printer to this print server.

24.Click OK to close the Printer Servers Details dialog and make the changes permanent.

25.Physically repower the printer to make the new settings take effect.

Bindery PSERVER Setup(Netware 3.x, Netware 4.x, And Netware 5.x)

A Bindery PSERVER setup is possible under both Netware 3.x, Netware 4.x and Netware 5.x. If you are using Netware 4.x or Netware 5.x, Bindery emulation is required. Please consult your Novell manual on how to set up Bindery emulation. A Bindery set up using PCONSOLE in Netware 3.x is described in “NetWare Version 3.x RPRINTER Setup” on page -160.The setup using PCONSOLE in Netware 4.x or Netware 5.x is described in “NetWare Version 4.x and 5.x RPRINTER Setup” on page -166.