Wireless NIC Configuration Using The Control PanelGateway Address

This is the gateway IP addresses that have four segments. They are displayed as SEG1, SEG2, SEG3, and SEG4 which can be set to any value in the range of 0 to 255.


The DHCP option allows you to obtain host server IP addresses when powering onto the network. The DHCP can be configured to:

Enable – each time you power on, the host server automatically assigns you a different address (if the IP address has not been previously assigned).

Disable – You choose the host server IP address. After the selection, the IP Address remains fixed even after you reboot.

Wireless Parameter Configuration

Certain "WIRELESS PARAMS" must be configured to match the Access Point settings:

NOTE: The "ETHERNET PARAMS" are configured the same way as the 10/100 Ethernet external NIC. Please refer to the NETWORK SETUP menu in the User’s Manual.

Signal Strength

This menu displays the strength of the wireless signal.

NOTE: This is a display value only and cannot be changed.