Chapter 15 Complete Command List

lpstat [ioport] [jobID]

Example: lpstat prn

Display active and queued jobs and I/O port status for a given ioport or jobID. Specifying one of these parameters will shorten the output and focus on the particular I/O port or print job specified.

cancel jobID

Example: cancel d1prn-10

Remove a job from an I/O port queue. Use lpstat to find a particular job ID first.

start foxttsloopb prn Example: start fox prn

Begin a debugging test on one of the I/O ports on the NIC. The tests available are:


A continuous stream of text sent to the


attached printer. This is a good test for


troubleshooting hardware as long as the


attached printer supports text output.


A continuous stream of Gandalf 400C


TTS-compatible text sent to the attached




Loopback test. Any input characters from the


device attached to the I/O port is echoed



stop allprn

Stop an output test on an I/O port.

disable ioportdestination Example: disable prn

Disable an I/O port so that queued jobs are not printed, or disable a destination so jobs cannot be queued to it.