10-23Multinational Character Sets
0018 0024
International Currency Symbol
00EF 0239
Intersection Symbol
00AD 0173
Inverted Exclamation Mark
00A8 0168
Inverted Question Mark
0186 0390
Junction Symbol
0163 0355
Jupiter Symbol
00AE 0174 Left Angle Quote
007B 0123 L
eft Brace
005B 0091 L
eft Bracket
014B 0331 L
eft Implies Symbol
0151 0337 L
eft Improper Subset
0028 0040 L
eft P
014A 0330 L
eft Subset Symbol
015A 0346 L
ength Integral Symbol
00F3 0243 L
ess Than or Equal Symbol
003C 0060 L
ess Than Symbol
0061 0097 L
owercase A
00A0 0160 L
owercase A with A
cute A
ccent Mark
0083 0131 L
owercase A with Circumflex
0085 0133 L
owercase A with Grave A
ccent Mark
0086 0134 L
owercase A with Ring
0105 0261 L
owercase A with T
0084 0132 L
owercase A with Umlaut
0091 0145 L
owercase AE with Ligature
00E0 0224 L
owercase Alpha
0124 0292 L
owercase Alpha with R
0062 0098 L
owercase B
015B 0347 L
owercase Backward Delta
00E1 0225 L
owercase Beta
0063 0099 Lowercase C
0087 0135 L
owercase C with Cedilla
0144 0324 L
owercase Chi
0064 0100 L
owercase D
00EB 0235 L
owercase Delta
0065 0101 Lowercase E
0082 0130 L
owercase E with A
cute A
ccent Mark
0088 0136 L
owercase E with Circumflex
008A 0138 L
owercase E with Grave
01D9 0473 L
owercase E with T
0089 0137 L
owercase E with Umlaut
0113 0275 Lowercase Elif
00EE 0238 L
owercase Epsilon (Ancient)
0136 0310 L
owercase Epsilon (Modern)
0125 0293 L
owercase Epsilon with R
Hex Value Symbol NameDecimal Value