Data Strobe - A high true pulse from the host to indicate that data is ready. The data strobe must remain high at least until the Data Request line goes false.
Data Lines - Eight standard or inverted levels from the host that specify character data, plot data, or a control code. Sensing Data Line 8 is controlled by printer configuration.
Paper Instruction (PI) - Optional standard or inverted level VFU signal from the host with the same timing and polarity as the data lines. PI line sensing is controlled by printer configuraF tion.
NOTE: The PI Line must be disabled (configuration option selected from the front panel) if the host computer does not drive or control the PI Line. If the line is not con/ trolled by the host and sensing is enabled, rapid paper slewing will occur.
Interface Verification - Two pins on the interface connector jumpered together allow you to verify proper installation of the interface connector.
NOTE: The +5 volt test is only connectable with a jumper.
Dataproducts Interface with AMP Connector
| |
| |
Ready | 22 | Data Line 1 | 19 | |
Return | 6 | Return | 3 | |
On Line | 21 | Data Line 2 | 20 | |
Return | 5 | Return | 4 | |
Data Request | 23 | Data Line 3 | 1 | |
Return | 7 | Return | 2 | |
Return | 39 | Data Line 4 | 41 | |
Return | 40 | |||
| |||
I/F Verif. | 45, 46 | Data Line 5 | 34 | |
| |||
Paper Instr. | 30 | Return | 18 | |
| |||
Return | 14 | Data Line 6 | 43 | |
| Return | 42 | |
| Data Line 7 | 36 | |
| Return | 35 | |
| Data Line 8 | 28 | |
| Return | 44 | |
| Data Strobe | 38 | |
Pins not listed are not connected. | Return | 37 | ||
Interfaces |