Superscript/Subscript Printing
| ASCII | Hex | Decimal |
SFCC S n | SFCC 53 n | SFCC 83 n | |
Serial | ESC S n | 1B 53 n | 27 83 n |
Purpose | Selects superscript or subscript printing. |
| |
where | n = 0 to enable superscript printing (hex 00 or hex 30) | ||
| n = 1 to enable subscript printing (hex 01 or hex 31) | ||
Comment | Super/Subscript font prints at | ||
| and at twice the normal vertical density. When the super/subscript control | ||
| code is received, all characters will be superscript or subscript until reset by |
the super/subscript reset control code or printer reset. Emphasized print is ignored in the super/subscript print mode.
In Serial Matrix protocol, or when the BS feature is enabled from the control panel in
Caution should be used when combining Superscript or Subscript printing with other print attributes such as Elongated (Double High), or small line spacing; overlapping lines may occur. Characters with different horizontal or vertical dot densities will not overlap.
Example The following sample program illustrates superscript/subscript printing and reset.
Programming |