Bit Image Mode, Double Density Double Speed
| ASCII | Hex | Decimal |
N/A | N/A | N/A | |
Serial | ESC Y | 1B 59 | 27 89 |
Purpose Prints graphics at twice the speed of Double Density (same speed as Single Density) by ignoring adjacent dots.
Expression CHR$(27);”Y”;CHR$(n1);CHR$(n2);”DATA”
where n1 + 256 n2 define the number of data bytes to follow. DATA = ASCII characters for the dot pattern bytes.
NOTE: The DATA can be expressed in a CHR$(DATA) format with the appropriate decimal values of the ASCII characters supplied especially in cases where the dot pat/ terns of nonprintable characters are required.
Comment For detailed information, refer to the Bit Image section in the Graphics chapF ter.
Example The following example produces Double Density Double Speed Bit Image graphics of the pattern used in the Single Density Bit Image Mode example. Note that the amount of data must be doubled for double density (the data is used 54 times rather than 27).
NOTE: Depending on the host computer system, it may be necessary to include a width statement within the BASIC program.
Programming |