Hello Time (1–10)
Each time a network sends a frame, and no root bridge is present, the network sends a message that notifies other networks of its request to be the root bridge. If no other network responds to this “Hello” message, the network establishes itself as the root bridge between other connected networks.
When a network is established as being the root bridge, it sends the “Hello” message at the interval that you select in the Hello Time field.
Enter a value between 1 and 10 seconds for the “Hello” message interval.
Forward Delay Time (4–30)
When a root bridge has redundant ports, it is necessary to set the secondary redundant port to forward information only when the primary port has failed.
If the primary port operates normally, the bridge places the redundant port into a
Only the active root bridge uses this value. Any bridge not acting as the root bridge uses a dynamic value for Forward Delay set by the root bridge.
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