Total Retransmission
When the distant CPU does not acknowledge the receipt of a packet sent by the local CPU, the local CPU resends the packet a number of times until the distant station acknowledges receipt of the packet. The Total Retransmission field counts and stores the number of retransmissions, based upon the total number of packets transmitted.
A higher number in this field may indicate the need to correct the alignment of a CPU’s directional antenna. You may also need to remove objects that block the
Packet Reception
The Packet Reception section indicates the CPU’s ability to receive packets from the distant CPU.
Total Packets Received
The Total Packets Received field counts and stores the total number of packets that the remote CPU sends to the local CPU. This number represents all received packets.
Average Receive Rate (Packets/Sec.)
Sometimes packets are received more rapidly than at other times. The Average Receive Rate field indicates the numbers of average packets received each second. You should see approximately 100 – 5000 pps (packets per second) under normal conditions.
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