Network/USB Settings Menu
Enter an HTTP proxy user name that is up to 31 characters.
•HTTP Proxy Password
Enter an HTTP proxy password that is up to 31 characters.
•HTTP Server Settings
•HTTP Port
Enter an HTTP port that is between 0 and 65535. Default: 80
•Manage Certificate
•Import Device Certificate
Import the device certificate saved on the USB memory device to the projector.
Insert the USB memory device into the USB port on the projector to display the file list. Select the device certificate to be imported from the file list.
•Certificate List
The list of device certificates is displayed.
You can confirm details about the device certificate or delete it in this screen.
Projector ID
•Projector Name
Enter an ID to identify the projector on the network. Enter up to 16 characters.
Default: [RPJxxxxxx] (xxxxxx is the last six digits of the wired LAN's MAC address) Display Status
•Wireless LAN
•Connection Status
Display the wireless LAN connection status.
•MAC Address
Display the projector's MAC address.
•Access Point BSSID
Display the currently connected BSSID.
•Communication Mode
Display the wireless LAN communication mode.
•Transmission Speed
Display the wireless LAN transmission speed.
Display the wireless LAN channel.