key features of your DVD

DVD 攝錄放影機的主要



3 1/2 inch DVD disc camcorder3 1/2 英吋 DVD 光碟攝錄放影機

DVD-VIDEO recording with 3 1/2 inch (8cm) DVD-RW/+RW/

使用 3 1/2 英吋(8 公分)DVD-RW/+RW/-R/+R DL(雙層)

-R/+R DL (Dual Layer) discs.

光碟進行 DVD-VIDEO 錄製。


2.7” wide (16:9) LCD screen (112K pixels)2.7"寬 (16:9) LCD 螢幕(112K 像素)

The 2.7” wide (16:9) LCD screen provides excellent viewing

2.7”(16:9) LCD 螢幕可透過高解析度提供極佳的檢視清晰

clarity with improved resolution. The 112K pixels LCD screen

度。112K 像素 LCD 螢幕可最多旋轉 270 度以實現多檢視角度,

rotates up to 270 degrees for multiple viewing


angles providing sharp, detailed images for


monitoring or playback, and the widescreen

影像,而且寬螢幕格式可以按 16:9 模式進

format makes shooting in 16:9 mode and


composing shots even easier.


Capture visions farther than the eye can拍攝畫面速度比人眼看得更快
see (34X optical/1200X digital zoom)34 倍光學 /1200 倍數位縮放)

Samsung’s powerful optical zoom lenses

Samsung 功能強大的光學縮放鏡頭會將世界

bring the world closer without sacrifi cing


image quality. In addition, digital zoom

interpolation means that extreme digital


zooming is clearer, with less distortion than


previous types of digital zooms.


Viewing images on your PC and using檢視電腦上的影像,並使用電腦相機功能

透過使用 DV Media PRO,您可以檢視電腦上的

With DV Media PRO, you can view the recorded

已錄制影像,並可透過將 DVD 攝錄放影機連接

images on a PC and use PC cam function by

connecting the DVD camcorder to a PC.


pages 91~98


Voice Plus

Voice Plus

You can add your voice to the movie image by

透過將 DVD 攝錄放影機連接至電視,您可以將

connecting the DVD camcorder to a TV.


page 89


ii_ English

臺灣 _ii