lDLPLink™technology that ensuresc ompatibilityw ith the emerging3D content ecosystem
lProtectedcable routing througha cable cover that limits tamperingand clutter
lA securemounting and installations ystem that includes the following:
oAn optionalprojectorpadlock ring to prevent removalof t heprojector from the boom
oMountinghardwarefor solid masonry or framedwall installations, as well as a safety
oTemplatesand instructions for positioningthe sy stem safely
ExtendedControl Panel(ECP)
Yourprojector system’s ECP attaches to the bottom frame
of yourinteractive whiteboard. The ECP features controls
forpower, source selection and volumeadjustment, as w ell
as anintegrated USB hub that enablesy outo s witch
seamlessly betweentw o connectedcomputers.
Connectionreceptacles for your sourceinputs include:
lOneUSB A receptacle on thefront of the ECP for USB drives
lTwo USB A receptacles behindthe interactive whiteboard
lTwo RCA jacks on the front of the ECP for dual-channelaudioinput
lOneRCA jack on the front of the ECP f orcomposite video input
lOnecaptive USB B receptacle for your primarycomputer
lOneDB15M receptacle behindthe interactive whiteboardfor connecting to the projector
lOneUSB B receptacle behindthe interactive whiteboardfor connecting a secondarycomputer
Included accessoriesThefollowing accessories are includedwit h yourinteractive whiteboard system.
Theremote control enablesyou to control the system and set up your projector. Use the
remotecontrol to access menu options, system information andinput selection options.
CH A P T E R 1
Aboutyour intera ctivewhiteboard system