Submenu setting Description
Volume Adjusts the projector’svolume from -20 to 20.
Mute Turnson or turns off the mute settings. Select On to mute the
projector’ssound andOff to turn off mute.
VolumeControl Enables volume controlon the ECP. Select On to enable volume
adjustmentand select Off to disable volumeadjustment if you prefer
to use youraudio system or speaker (not included)controls.
ClosedC aptioning Turnson or turns off the closed captioning feature.
Language Sets the closed captioninglanguageto CC1 or CC2.
Typically, CC1displays U .S. English subtitles, while CC2 displays
otherregionallanguages, such as Frenchor Spanish, dependingon
televisionc hannelor medias etup.
Display Mode Adjusts the display outputt oSMAR T Presentation,Bright Room,
Dark Room,sRGB andUser modes so you can projectimages from
varioussources with c onsistent colorperformance:
lSMART Presentationis recommendedfor color fidelity.
lBrightRoom andDarkRoom are recommendedfor locations
with those conditions.
lsRGB providesstandardizedaccurate color.
lUserenables you to apply your own settings.
Brightness Adjusts projectorbrightness from 0 to 100.
Contrast Adjusts the differencebetween the lightest and darkest parts
of the imagefrom 0 to 100.
Frequency Adjusts the display dataf requencyof the projected imagefrom
-5to 5 t o match the frequencyof your computer’s graphicsc ard.
Tracking Synchronizes your projector’sdisplay timing with y ourcomputer’s
graphicscard from 0 to 31.
Sharpness Adjustst heprojected image’s sharpnessfrom 0 to 31.
White Peaking Adjusts t heimage color brightnessf rom0 to 10 while providing more
vibrantwhite shades. A v aluecloser to 0 creates a natural imageand
av aluecloser to 10 enhances brightness.
Degamma Adjusts the color performanceof the display from 0 to 3.
Color Adjusts the Red, Green,Blue, Cy an, Magentaand Yellow colors on
theprojector from 0 to 100 to providecustom c olorand luminance
output.Each c olorhas a default value of 100. Adjustments to the
colorsetti ngsregister to the User mode.
AutoS ignalDetect Enablesor disables signal searchingof i nputconnectors.
lSelect Onto have the projector continuouslys witch inputs until
it finds an active video source.
lSelect Offto maintain signal detectionin one input.
LampReminder SelectOn to show or Off to hide the lampreplacement reminderwhen
it appears.This reminderappears 100hours before the recommended
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