Toresolve common image issues, complete the followingt asks:
lEnsurethe computer or othervideo source is on and set to display a resolutionand refresh rate
supportedby the projector(see Video format compatibility on page 29).
lEnsurethe video source is properlyconnected to the projector.
lPress the InputS elect buttonon the remote control orEC P to switch t o the correctv ideo
If these tasks don’t resolve the issue, refer to the following sections for additionaltroubleshooting
Loss of signal
If a videosource signalis not detected, out of
rangeof the projector’ss upportvideo modes or
thes ignalis beings witched to a differentdevice
orinput, the projector doesn’ts how a source
signaland instead displays the SMART logo on
ablue screen.
gTo resolvesignal l ossissues
1. Wait approximately 45 secondsf ort heimage to synchronize. Some video signals requirea
2. If t heimage doesn’t synchronize, check the cable connectionsto t heprojector and the ECP.
3. Ensure that the images ignalis compatiblew ith the projector(see Video format compatibility
onpage 29).
4. If t hereare any extensionc ables, switch boxes, connection wall plates or otherdevices i n the
videoconnection from the computerto t heprojector, temporarilyremove them to ensure they
arenot causing the video signal loss.
5. If y ourprojector still doesn’t show a source signal, contact your authorizedSMART reseller.
CH A P T E R 6
Troubleshootingyour interactivewhiteboard system