Beforeyou align the projectedimage on your SMARTBoard690 interactive whiteboard,you must
changethe native aspect ratio on yourSMAR TUF75wprojector to 16:9. You don’t needto perform
this step with any other modelof interactive whiteboard. The procedureyou use to changethe native
aspect ratiodepends on theD DP firmware version of yourprojector.
gTo determinethe DD P firmwareversion of your projector
1. Turn ony ourprojector.
2. Press Menu ont heremote control, and thenpress Ri ght fivetimes.
3. Record the DDP firmware version in the FirmwareVersion row.
gTo changethe aspect ratio of a projectorwith DDP firmware version
1. Using the remote control, presst hef ollowingbuttons quickly t o access the service menu:
2. Scroll to WXGA_720P_MODE, and then press Right to select 16:9.
3. Press Menu ont heremote control.
gTo changethe aspect ratio of a projectorwith DDP firmware version or later
1. Press Menu ont heremote control, and thenpress Ri ght twice.
2. Scroll to Native D LP Resolution, and thenpress Ri ght toselect 16:9.
3. Press Menu ont heremote control.
CH A P T E R 2
Installingyour interactivew hiteboard system