Otherfeatures of your interactive whiteboardinclude the following:
lA pentray t hat automaticallydetects when you pick up a pen
tray penor the eraser
lPentray buttons that acti vate the on-screenkeyboard,right-
click, Orientationand Help functions
lA durabletear-resistantsurface optimized for projectionand
easily cleanedwith w hiteboardcleaner
lA security cablelock feature thatenables you to locky our
interactivewhiteboard to helps afeguardit from theft
Formore informationabout your SMARTBoardinteractive whiteboard, see theS MARTBoard600
andD600 series interactive whiteboardinstallation and user’s guide(smarttech.com/kb/001414).
SMARTUF75 orSMARTUF75wprojectorTheSMARTUF75 or SMARTUF75w projectorsy stem includes a short-
throwprojector for use with SMARTBoardi nteractivew hiteboardsanda
sturdy supportsys tem suitablef ormany different environments.
Otherfeatures of your projectorsys tem include:
lA wall-mounted,high-offset projectorengine that uses DLP® technology by
TexasInstruments™,providingBrilliantColor™ performanceand Gamma2.2 correction with
SMART Presentation,Bright Room, Dark Room,sR GBand User modes
lPAL, PAL-N, PAL-M, SECAM, N TSC, and NTSC 4.43 video system compatibility
lHDMI, Composite, S-video, and VESA® RGB video inputs with additional interfaces upportfor
ComponentYPbPr andComponent YCbCr inputswit hthe properadapters (notincluded)
lWXGA, QVGA, VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA, SXGA+ andUXGA video formatcompatibility
lNative 1024× 768 resolution (SMARTUF75projector)
Native 1280× 800resolution (SMARTUF75w projectorin 16:10 aspect ratio mode)
Native 1280× 720 resolution (SMARTUF75wprojector in 16:9 aspect ratio mode)
lRemotemanagementv ia a serialR S-232interface, web page orSN MP
lAn alertbroadcast featuret hat enablesadministrators to send notificationmessages to
network-connectedprojectorsyst ems for immediateon-screendisplay
CH A P T E R 1
Aboutyour intera ctivewhiteboard system