YourSMARTBoard600i5interactive whiteboard
system uses the short-throw, high-offset
SMARTUF75or SMARTUF75w projector. Thet hrow
distanceof the SMARTUF75 orSMAR TUF75w
projectorsis half that of the SMARTUF65 projector,
resultingin a shorter boomand reduceds hadowson
theprojected image.
Whenthe projector displays an imagefrom your
computeron the touch-sensitive interactive
whiteboard,you can do everythingthat you can do at
yourcomputer—openand close applications, scroll
throughfiles, conference with others, create new
documentsor edit existing ones, visit websites, play
videoclips and more—bytouching the screen. This
projectoralso supports videoand audio connections
froma v arietyof devices, including DVD/Blu-ray™ players, VCRs, document cameras anddigital
cameras,and can project mediaf romthese sources onto the interactive screen.
Whenyou use SMART software with your SMARTBoard600i5interactivew hiteboardsystem, you
canw rite ordraw over the projectedc omputerimage in digitali nk usinga pen tray pen or your finger,
andthen save these notes to a .notebook file or directly into any Ink Aware application.
SMARTBoard600 series interactivewhiteboard
YourSMARTBoard 600series interactive whiteboardincludes many features of earlier
SMARTBoardinteractive whiteboards,such as a resistive touch screen anda pen tray.
TheSMARTBoard 600s eriesinteractive whiteboard performsbest with t heSMAR T UF75 projector
becauseof its exceptional colorperformanceand input response.
CH A P T E R 1
Aboutyour intera ctivewhiteboard system